Yutso's Green Jade Testament
Translated by Roman Sabbato
What you call life.
You have abandoned the Life's evolutionary course and forced upon yourselves developmentization-Existence.
That imposition some of you now begin to see is a pathway taking you to Extinction.
You insist on pursuing growth and accumulation, against the obvious limit observable in the natural world.
Such ‘overgrowth’ produces a canker within material Existence that destroys Existence itself.
Though the intruder operating within the developmentization process goes unseen and unacknowledged, its effects are everywhere observable.
You are feeding a cancer that is eating up you and your environment.
Many of you live with the compaction of Existence that squeezes Life from access to you.
In your isolation from Life, you have become a mixture of hopes, wishful thinking, dreams, fear, uncertainty, confusion, cruelty, stress, hopelessness, and meaninglessness. This last is as devastating as it is condemning.
Whilst you have moments of insight when you experience what is beyond yourself, and against that tide of Existence, you dare to love; to care, to give, to sacrifice, even. Those moments and lives are lost, buried beneath generations of hiding behind a controlling impulse.
It is Existence-arrogance.
This is NOT why you are here
Existence is Life’s agent in its evolution from chaos to order.
Existence has a beginning, is fleeting and ends.
Life has no beginning and no end.
Take a moment Right Now to Listen to your thoughts.
Know this:
Life is not those thoughts; they are of you.
You are existence
Life: Why you are here.
1. In the beginning:
The forms that are Existence, at first arise as ephemeral gas particles, within a modulation response: a crucible of pulsating energy. Existence is charged with the surrendered pulsations.
The pulsations not being confined to particle Existence extend outside of time, beyond the three dimensions of material confinement. Thus, it is, that what appears to the perception of your five senses as a single universe is but a fraction of the modulation response.
The modulation response is Life.
The universe you inhabit is one of many, all existing, simultaneously.
Life pulsations are random, constantly seeking order, throwing out particle-Existence in Life’s evolutionary process. The modulation response - passing through Existence and returning - brings about order to Life.
That cyclical movement is experienced from within Existence as awareness, birth, growth, decay and death.
Thus, it is, that everything that exists; stars, solar systems, planets, and people, are born, have Existence and die. Appearing to have no intrinsic meaning.
The only meaning to Existence is as a function of Life.
Life is in constant movement from chaos toward equanimity. The movement of Life is a mobius infinity-wave folding and cycling into itself.
This movement gives rise to particle Existence, thus renders Life and Existence an integral process.
From simple unordered cells to complex particle forms, Existence generate Life’s evolution.
Life is outside of time.
Life, unhindered by time remains true. It IS.
The modulation response - Life - is the Lover of all Existence. To know the Lover is to know the meaning of Existence.
Knowing the meaning of Existence surpasses what you call death.
The sun empowers Existence, causing growth. Life will empower you to grow beyond the prison of your own ego.
Know This:
Having Reflective Consciousness, you have the greatest freedom of all sentient forms: The freedom to choose Existence or Life
2. Life. and the Sixth sense
The sixth sense is embedded in your individual Existence as a conduit between your Existence and Life.
“I am the sixth of your senses. I’m giving voice to myself, but in truth I have no voice. I am the silence that is silent.”
I am constantly passing through your heart. I am the invisible cord through which Life pulsates and upon which each moment of your Existence is threaded.
All your stories are Life’s. They just seem to be yours.
Because you need to speak to Life, you imagine Life speaks to you. I am woven through you such that communication sometimes appears real.
There have also been occasions when your need has been so strong that visual appearances of Life in human form have taken place.
But Life is not Existence, neither is it ‘I’: there is no person. That is what you are. You are Existence. You have arisen from Life.
When you sleep, there is less Self obstructing flow-through. That is when Life ‘speaks’ to you.
Life contains what you call the future and past, all your possible futures. Sometimes one will be revealed through me, to guide you to Life.
Though Existence is interconnected through me - your sixth sense - I am woven into you as a sense you will know only by opening yourselves.
If you trust Life, I will show it to you through coincidence, dreams, and visible signs.
To the degree to which you are unafraid, open, at peace, releasing of Existence; through that Intention will flow the Life-wave into your Existence-form.
Though it is the only permanent through-flow within you, you cannot access the sixth sense with any of the five senses of Existence.
To act from the sixth sense is to act from beyond Existence.
There will be moments when you act spontaneously, generously, openly and without hesitation.
[Most often you carry out such action in times of crisis; when the ecology of your planet erupts in volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and fires.]
Only after the results of your actions do you seek to explain them to yourself through reasoned intention.
There was no reason; it was and is Life flowing through Existence. Existence-ego attaches a reason in an act of ownership.
Know this:
You own nothing.
3. Life and Existence
Cleverness builds entrapment in Existence. Wisdom seeks the freedom of Life.
Putting self-first is called being buried in Existence. Put self aside, care for others. This is called bringing Life.
Soft overcomes hard. It is thus that Life enters Existence.
The body you are in throughout Existence is a collection of discrete particles in the form of a being that you perceive as separate from other beings.
It is not.
Your particles, and all other particles, arise and cease in a constant flow of Life’s pulsation constantly taking differentiated forms.
You live out an Existence that renders you captives in non-existent time. Thus, your Existence is an illusion.
That illusion, seemingly fixed, is only so of your own making. It is you who bind to it, only you can let it go.
Existence is a closed door to Life; at the same time, it is your only way through to Life.
To open the door, you must have a strong Intention for Life
To speak Life is not to know Life: It is a name only.
Do not confuse Existence desires with the Life in your heart.
In the complexity of Existence, find the simplicity of Life.
With Life, the complex is engaged upon with simplicity.
The greatness of Life arises through small acts of Existence.
Unless you release yourselves from attachment to Existence, it will become wider and denser.
It will exploit the earth that sustains, destroy the creatures that are your kin, eat up the coat of green, and cause you to divide your species and turn upon each other.
You cannot grasp Life, there is no holding place.
All grasping arises from Existence desire.
You are here for Life.
Existence is only the agency of Life.
Enjoy the excitement of Existence, through the acceptance of Life.
Just like pearls strung on a cord, each temporary moment of Existence is strung on the permanence of Life.
Existence fades with time. Life is timeless.
Purely creative acts leave a path of Life woven throughout Existence.
Seeing them, being attentive to them, creating them, absorbing the accumulation of them, is to witness the unseen.
When you create with Intention, though the finished object of your creation is static within Existence, when your intention is pure it carries the unseen: Life.
Existence devoted to Life is one of pure creativity, the essence of which is silence given form. It has no Existence purpose; it simply reflects Life.
When you are fully engaged in an act of creativity, you are an acknowledgement of Life.
‘You’ do not exist during the full process of creating, and ‘you’ do not create.
Life is present, Life is creating.
Though the finished product of that creativity becomes a facet of Existence it is thereafter a witness of Life
Just as your Existence is a witness of Life.
4. Truth
You think you have determined many truths to your Existence.
Some of those truths that are an understanding of the fabric of Existence, are what you call knowledge.
Knowledge can be useful to Existence when contained, limited to wellbeing, and not exploited in the pursuit of grasping to Existence.
Beyond a knowledge of material Existence what you take to be ‘true’ occupies your mind solely through tradition, belief, or arrogance.
They are truths you disagree about, fight about; even kill each other to uphold.
They are not True. They arise out of Existence.
The only truth that is True arises with Life.
Life is the one place where you should be. So far, you are always somewhere else Thus, you are troubled people.
Relinquish attachment to Existence. Use consciousness with a determined attention toward Life.
Let Life determine Existence.
Life arises as Existence and returns when completed.
The return is silence, stillness, which is the nothing of everything.
The balance between Life and Existence is held in place by Consciousness-streaming.
Consciousness is not of the mind.
The mind simply records that streaming, and in doing so catches it up constantly making thought-forms.
Mind and body, and all thoughts and actions are solely Existence.
The noise of Existence opposes the silence of Life.
The thoughts you have are crowded together: chattering sound, picture images, worries, hopes, dreams, fears, views, opinions. A constant dialogue, internal and external, feeding the ego of Existence-arrogance.
Beyond the ‘caught up’ thinking, streaming is pure, silent, and flows from Life into Existence, and from Existence into Life in a constant cycle of reciprocation through the heart.
An open heart creates; Thus, it is that Life is expressed through the heart.
Creative expression of Life is the brightest use of the packet of energy you are born with.
The strongest expression of Life is Love.
Life-Love fully released through Existence breaks the boundaries of space and time.
The consequence of such a dissolution of Existence-perception is an end to fear.
Adhering to Existence, more is acquired. Adhering to Life less is required.
Existing less, actions are stilled.
When stillness is full, all is realized.
5. You are afraid.
Afraid of being alone, afraid of poverty, afraid of losing, afraid of seeming weak, afraid of getting old, afraid of getting sick. Afraid of death.
Afraid to Love.
In consequence of which, you are afraid of Life. Your conflicting truths arise from fear, not Life.
Hidden within the stories you tell yourselves to assuage those fears - what you call philosophy, mythology, religion - is an unconscious knowing of the connection between Existence and Life.
It's a longing for a connection that has become distorted.
That distortion leaves you isolated in time.
Awareness of time’s limitation inflicts meaninglessness upon you.
Thus, you make up stories to give the half-life of Existence meaning.
But you rightly fear that they are your own imaginings. That renders your belief in them uncertain.
Your mind does not have to believe in anything.
You believe through texts and rituals with a desire driven by an expectation of relief from the anxiety of death.
In past attempts to escape from that anxiety you have over grasped to Existence.
The false perception of Existence as life generates many of the things you invent:
Developmentization is the construct you impose on Existence. You are buried in it, thinking that if you keep inventing you will find a solution to your dilemma.
You will not.
This is the root of your suffering. Let go of grasping to Existence, and your fear will subside.
Turn your attention to Life and your Existence will loosen.
With continued right Intention, the letting-go cycle will bring peace.
Attachment is the great fabricator of Existence-illusions.
Truth can only be found by detachment from such illusions.
In your grasping you seek control of Existence.
Control of the earth that you pull from, control of the creatures that you farm and kill, control of the trees you cut down, control of each other that you exploit, enslave, and kill.
When the Love that is Life is forgotten, existence is extinguished.
Because you have the ability to do many things during your short Existence, you assume that it is right to do them.
This is an assumption derived from Existence-arrogance.
Thus, much of what you do is harmful to Life.
In an effort to protect yourself from your own fears you have spread destructive overgrowth throughout Existence.
You have lost Life’s evolving path and forced upon yourselves and the earth the developmentization of Existence.
Thus, the natural evolution of Life, and Existence, have been submerged.
To protect yourself from Life-conscience, you shield your heart with arrogance of mind.
The arrogance of Existence is a sure path to Extinction.
Thinking Life to be ‘known’ is arrogance. Thinking it can be disregarded is ignorance.
The moments in which you let go of Existence, the grasp of Existence drops away, replaced with Life.
6. Life is Freedom
You have the greatest freedom of all sentient forms. The freedom to choose Existence or Life.
The exercise of that freedom is the only way by which peace will prevail. It is the only way you will avoid your own extinction.
Life calls you to the simple way. Listen.
Know This:
Your children are the witness of Life. Look at how, before fear takes hold, Life is abundantly present.
Spend time watching them play
Ask yourself, do you have their Life-embracing courage?
When you place upon them your fear and beliefs, they follow you, away from Life and into Existence.
Though Life remains, it is overlaid and depletes into half-life.
When Life leaves a body, it then becomes clear that ‘you’ (the body/mind) are just Existence. But because you grasp on to that Existence as (ego) life, you fail to know (true) Life.
It wasn’t always like this. You were once in a state of nature.
You were, and are, of nature. Nature is an aligned state: that is, it is harmonious with Life— the unseen energy pulsating through particle existence.
Look at your natural surroundings. What you will perceive within yet beyond the forms you see, is Life.
Look at the palm of your hand: the lines you see are witness of that Life weave. They are also laid in the trees, the plants, the animals, and the earth you live on.
They connect you to your ancestors, the planets, and the stars.
But that web of energy can only be known as the absolute when you are free of ‘self’.
All that is made of particles - the perceived universe, galaxy, solar system, world, and you - is Existence. Existence occupies space and has three dimensions.
It is an illusion that exists for a limited duration you call time.
The non-perceivable from which Existence arises is Life.
Existence and Life are in constant pulsating mutual response.
Life has no fixity in time or space.
You have no control over it, you can only accept it – or not.
Existing as a self-perceiving ‘I’ is to bind yourself to Existence-time; it has no intrinsic meaning. It is temporary, subject to the decay inherent in all particle forms.
You are Existence: birthing, growing, fading, and dying. Time bound from the day you arose as particle matter.
Existence is captured in time, Life is not.
Do not avoid these simple Truths you are witness to. Do not run away into your own fearful imaginings that will trap you in the very Existence of which you know will end.
You do not have to be a prisoner of time. Your freedom lies in choosing Life.
Existence engages your five senses. They are interesting, curious, investigative senses. Along with your mind, your senses unite for the well-being and safety of your being. Only that.
Your physical body and mind are temporary conditions of Existence, to be considered as borrowed.
Owning its capability, you act out its impermanence in ignorance of what is enduring.
Thus, you live a half-life Existence.
None of the five senses can detect Life.
The borrowed ‘being’ that you cling to is Existence; that is all.
Existence is not Life. Existence trapped by time, of itself has no purpose.
Across the eons beings have arisen in multitudes from the unformed to take form. Caught in time you are unawake of Life. Mistakenly calling your sleep life.
Life is Truth awake; it lies beyond time.
Truth is not in Existence; it cannot be trapped in time.
Existence cleared of conceptual expectations will become translucent.
Be still, be quiet, wait unhurried without expectation.
Have no concepts. Stay, without past, without future, without desires.
Here is Freedom.
Aware of it or unaware, you suffer in what you call life, positioning it in opposition to what you call death. You desire one and have an aversion to the other; thus, you create a fear of Non-Existence.
The arising you cling to as life is only Existence. Think not that of itself it offers Life. It cannot.
Existence can only offer an end to itself; what you give to Existence will be lost to Existence.
Make your offerings to Life.
Accumulating materiality fills Existence to the point of disease. Accumulations block out Life and are lost to time.
Life contains Existence. Existence is purposed by Life.
Life is silent; thus, it can only be accessed through silence.
Sounds and actions attuned to silence - creativity, using your five senses that draw upon the sixth sense - are the means by which enjoyment of Life is reflected in Existence.
Creative action arising out of Life reflects Life within Existence.
When it is present Life is realized, but you are not the realizer.
Taking time out of Existence for pure silence dissolves the fear within Existence that inhibits awareness of Life.
Silence lies beyond thoughts. It enters between thoughts, sounds, and actions. It does not destroy thoughts.
Thoughts are just thoughts; they serve Existence. There are few useful thoughts, and many useless ones.
It is out of the many useless thoughts and desires and few useful thoughts that your Existence develops.
With good thoughts you try to apply balm to suffering, to sickness; to create and enjoy Existence. But being unaware of Life you primarily create suffering, indulging useless thoughts that deny Life and distress the fabric of existence: the earth, the creatures, and your own kind. Attend to useful thoughts that offer support.
Leave useless thoughts and arrogant desires to wither without attention. They will eventually die.
Within your Existence your five senses interact with all other forms of Existence.
Thus it is, that Existence appears as a continuum.
It is not.
The continuum is Life.
Time is the measure of Existence. They are one and the same illusion.
The appearance of permanence is the Life-thread woven through Existence upon which each moment and event of Existence hangs.
Every particle, planet, plant, animal, body, mind and thought that arises eventually ends.
Only Life endures.
Give your Existence to Life.
Clinging to individual and combined Existence creates a field beyond Existence yet intrinsically tied to it.
That field is Capture.
7. Life, Existence and Capture
Capture is a variable formation.
All thoughts, words and actions create Capture.
You arrived in the world as a baby; a primary Life force but carrying a base personality. That embryonic ‘character’ is a mix of genetics and Capture generated by previous Existence.
Capture inhibits how your Existence experiences Life.
Capture is the interference that binds Existence to itself.
It is through the behavior of particle forms that Life proceeds from chaos to order.
It is a movement reflected in the world of Existence from single simple particles to complex forms.
All particle-forms are thus permeated with Life.
It is the ‘behavior’ of such forms that feed back into Life. All behaviors are in relationship to Life.
Behaviors directed toward Life are absorbed into the inter-folding of Life.
Behaviors directed solely within Existence form Capture and eventually return to Existence.
The right action within Existence creates light permeable Capture-formation.
Wrong actions create dark, dense Capture-formation.
The accumulation of Capture increases dense dark formations.
It is the build-up of dark Capture formations cycling within Existence that portends extinction.
Be mindful of the Capture you create, for you will eventually pass out of Existence.
If you carry Capture out, it will return to future Existence.
The right actions only arise from the right Intention.
The right Intention is releasing, letting go, outward flowing, giving.
The ultimate release is giving to Life - Awakening beyond Capture.
Fully awakening to Life is beyond Existence, and beyond Capture.
Capture binds present Existence to past Existence.
Intentional thoughts and actions directed toward Life during the time of Existence weakens the energy of Capture. Awakening to Life dissolves Capture.
To open a compacted (Captured) Existence requires an honest Intention to pay patient attention to Life.
The arrogance of a compacted Existence closes out the light of Life that is Love.
Giving attention to such, is to accept that Love will eventually prevail over arrogance.
Giving into Life by Intention is to move toward completion.
8. Existence.
To surrender Existence is to overcome its entrapment.
To reduce Existence is to increase Life.
Your material form, your being, in experiencing separateness from other formations has become self-referencing, a perception which locates you in space and time in Existence.
Thus, you accept your ‘self’, other beings, and everything around you as true.
Remember: Existence has no substance; constantly changing it does not endure.
The value of Life is made apparent precisely through the worthlessness of Existence-materiality.
If you grasp to Existence, you will suffer its insubstantiality.
If you identify with Existence, you will fear its end.
Fear distracts you from Life.
Reducing attention to Existence gives consequence to Life.
Over attention to Existence devalues Life.
You have arrogantly taken this gift of Life to be yours, grasping to ‘I’, asserting you are Life.
Existence ‘I’, moving fast goes nowhere, but compacts into a time-encapsulated prison sentence.
When your abilities are claimed for yourself and used to boost ‘self-ego’, they are lost to Life.
At the same time, that arrogant claim takes you closer to extinction.
Though your experience through your senses is of being, it is the ego delusion that thinks being is ultimately true.
It is not.
The truth of your being is that you are here as Existence arising moment by moment from Life.
Ignorance buries the possibility of Freedom, of awakening to Life.
If you turn your abilities toward Life, whence they arise, they will expand Life within Existence - free of Capture.
What work you do for Existence remains as Existence alone
Do it then Let it go.
Your misconception between Life and Existence is a cycle that governs the path of your unawareness. You bind yourself to an impossible paradox: continual suffering of an unattainable resolution.
Resolution of the paradox lies in having Intention toward Life. Your conscience has always been fully aware of this, thinking that to name Life resolves suffering.
It does not.
Life has no name.
Remaining in ignorance is a choice.
Existence being time-bound fears its demise.
Ego-ignorance in suppressing that fear deprives you of awakening to Life.
The consequence is anxiety.
Anxiety creates grasping a seeking to accumulate. Accumulation increases anxiety, it can never be satiated.
To accumulate is to create shadows.
To possess little is to gain much.
The experience you are having is one of Existing only. It is short, temporary, unstable and of itself.
When the Love that is Life is forgotten, Existence becomes compacted.
Existence can remain closed to Life or allow it through. This can only occur by Intention.
Existing with peaceful Intention produces steadfastness. Steadfastness leads to Life.
Hidden, unperceived, running through the noise of Existence, is the silk-thin thread that is Life. It births being. It sustains being. It gives meaning to being. It is why you are here.
Search, you will not find it. It has no form to be seen.
Listen, you will not hear it. It is silent.
Will to it to be, you cannot. It is indefinable.
Life cannot be grasped, neither can it be avoided.
Life connects your Existence to meaning.
Without Life, Existence falls into arrogance. You have too often held to arrogance, such that by degrees of imposition, meaninglessness has become the collective experience of your Existence.
Thus, you and the earth suffer.
Life cannot be ‘known’, neither can it be ignored.
Life is formless, beginningless, endless, imageless.
That is its form, its beginning, its end, imagined.
You cannot understand Life with reasoning, but only with Intention.
You will know it as self-evident through the heart.
To understand Life, lean to silence.
To reach Life, walk on earth.
If you do this, you will not be bound by enemies nor friends nor compliments nor criticisms.
A mind free of thought folds into itself, and thereby perceives Life.
A mind filled with thoughts only perceives Existence.
Take your mind to the source where it will be at peace.
In a condition of calm, it becomes one with Life, infinitely expanded.
Remain quiet, know your being when it is harmonious with Life.
This is the opening that will change Existence.
In being Life, you do nothing, yet everything gets done.
Life free of doing is desireless; to be desireless is to be at peace.
Peace is Life returning to Life.
Though it has no substance, Life alone causes all substance.
Life is not in any place or time; it is absolute.
Life is not an opposite within a duality. Life is one.
Life is not somewhere, there is no ‘where.’
It has no dimensions.
Life is causal:
It gives rise to matter that exists and returns to Life; thus, it is that Life is changed.
When you feel pure joy: it is coming from Life.
Moments that turn to Life through Joy are free of Capture.
All purely creative endeavors are Life pulsating through Existence.
Though your Existence is for creating, what you create is not yours. Let it go.
The Life in your creation lasts beyond Existence.
Therefore, be joyful in your actions.
The potter’s vessel forms emptiness wherein Life enters Existence.
The artist’s painting draws the heart beyond Existence to Life.
The singer’s voice carries Life’s pulsations into Existence.
Thereby Existence is softened by what is created.
What is softened becomes witness to the unseen: Life.
What draws you to beauty - a sunset, a rainbow, light - is Life.
The ah! moments are pure Life surfacing within Existence.
Life is resonant infinitude and does not change.
Life is beyond Existence; it is permeating Existence.
Those who search with strong Intention for Life, Life will find.
Never seek the end in your Intention simply pay attention to the moment.
Life arises timelessly, instance upon instance.
The only right desire is a want for Life over Existence.
To be with Life is to know the suffering of others.
To be with Life is to act equally toward the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the bright and the dull, believers and skeptics.
Seek Life not for Truth but for Life
Life-Truth will overcome Existence only through Love.
10. Life and Intention
Life flows beyond thought; just give Intention to it.
Eventually it will fully arise.
Giving ‘thought’ to Life is to bury it in pretention.
Making pretentious effort: you clear your perceptions; you silence your ears; but you still do not see or hear beyond Existence.
Drop all effort, only have Intention.
Life cannot be earned through effort, neither can it be measured nor calculated by the mind.
Only by detachment from grasping will Life be perceived.
Thinking Life to be ‘known’ is wrong, thinking it can be disregarded is ignorance.
Intention is central to being with Life.
Strong Intention toward Life displaces the ego from the throne and return it to its place as a servant of Existence.
The only meaningful act throughout Existence is the giving of Intentional ‘Attention to Life’. All else is lost to the impermanence of Existence.
You have the greatest freedom of all sentient forms, the freedom to choose.
That freedom is exercised through Intention.
Ongoing Intention - how you live out your Existence - can be as defined as Existence desires or an undefined Existence of coping with survival.
All Existence conditions call upon you to act, either unconsciously, or with desire fulfilment, or in ignorance.
To be aware of your ongoing Intention is to become aware of your state of Capture.
A dense Existence produces Capture.
A permeable Existence gradually dissolves Capture.
The nature of Existence fluctuates between dense and permeable in response to Intentions.
You are the sum of your Intentions.
Intention applied to Existence - that is, the constant lure to the ‘self’ view - will always fade into the temporariness of Existence.
To frame intention toward ‘other’ is to raise awareness of thoughts and actions beyond the ignorant Self.
To frame intention to Life will ensure nothing destructive will be undertaken.
The clarity of your Intention toward Life should reduce the self-being ‘I’, such that Life directs your Existence.
Intention to act only within Existence for Existence, beyond essential need, will result in a dense inhibition of Life.
Intention applied to Life is established beyond appearances.
A Life-directed Existence once established will render it a timeless continuum of Love.
Establish your Existence within the nature around you. Perceive Life with your heart. Acknowledge that which arises within the heart.
To realize Life, live a simple Existence.
Life chaos is brought into equilibrium by the accumulation of consciously directed Intention across the vast measure of Existence-time.
Comprehending Life arises when the accumulation of Intention reaches a critical level of perceptual awareness.
Awakening to Life you experience Life’s essence; the long wave of Life that is Love. To be awake is to be in Love - to be led by Truth.
Truth removes the hesitations of Existence. Actions are then determined by Life, beyond grasping desires.
Life awakening is not a single state, it is a gradation of perceptual sensitivity. Even a small amount of intentional awareness will bring the modulation response, carrying Life.
The move to awaken is an open vulnerable Existence, an outward-giving Intention through which Life flows.
It requires courage.
Without awakening, Life is misconceived. Such misconceptions are projections arising from anxiety.
Look at Existence from Life, not Life from Existence.
Mistaking Existence for Life and being fearful of Life, which you call death, you have tried to allay the puzzlement of death by inventing rituals, prayers, chants, believing they will act as propitiation toward that unknown.
But knowing them to be an invention they do not resolve your confusion.
Over the many millennia you have done so, those rituals have become embedded in Existence.
Don’t project your Gods and No-God onto Life.
Whether they are religious or non-religious views, you bury Life in Existence by grasping to them.
Attempting to perceive Life through a concept formed within Existence simply binds you to Existence and blocks out the perception of Life.
In your need for surety, you have projected your Self and beliefs onto Life.
You seek to formulate that which cannot be formulated, for it has no form. Those projected formulations have become embedded in your beliefs of what lies beyond 'death'.
Having multiple conflicting beliefs between you, you find yourselves suffering anger and hatred.
Aware of it or not, that suffering resides in having to choose between belief in contradictory projections, and disbelief in them.
All such stances are reactive and inhibit authentic awareness.
Authentic awareness is present, when a differentiation is made between the imposition of an idea or belief upon any given moment of being, and the knowing of that moment just as it is.
Any other perception renders the moment of cognizance biased, drawn by preference: a desire that it be a certain way, other than what it is.
Thus it is that you suffer the tyranny of such inflictions upon individuals, society, and humanity.
The span of a single human Existence, being finite, cannot own authentic awareness it is the gift of evolving Life.
To authentically realize Life requires letting go of Existence, devoting one’s being to Life.
Existence relies on language in which your thoughts, your self-sense, your very ‘I’-dentification are all embedded.
When you remain silent, and quiet the mind in an act of devotion, you lessen the compaction of self; ‘you’ open to the flow of Life.
An open Existence is a simplified existence.
It is through existence that Life evolves from chaos to equilibrium.
Life, to manifest, must move through Existence. For Life to be experienced, existence must give, just as to be able to breathe in, you must breathe out.
Breathing in Life requires the breathing out of Existence.
It is the impulse of Life evolving through existence, which creates a desire for Truth. To experience Truth, such desire must be an ongoing held Intention behind one’s thoughts and actions.
Acting upon such an Intention makes the field of Capture permeable.
Succeeding in such an Intention, dissolves Capture and draws Life.
Each individual existence that pays Attention to Life advances the evolution of Life toward harmony.
In embracing Life through the experience of existence, giving attention to everything matters, and everything you give attention to matters.
There is no arbitrary line above which it matters and below which it does not.
Attention in the present moment where you are is where Life will arise within your Existence.
Attention given outside of the present moment is of the ego. Then even caring attention will be lost to Life.
You cannot decide to Love, it is not of the mind.
Life draws one to acknowledgment –to a realization.
By having an Intention to pay Attention, Life is found to be already present permeating Existence.
That presence is experienced as conscience-ness; the realization as to why there is existence, why you are here.
To offer by Intention one’s Attention beyond Existence, is to acknowledge that realization, and awaken to Life.
Silent Attention to any part of Existence reveals Life subtending it.
Sitting in silence with an animal, letting go of trying to reach the animal, allows both your and the creature’s sixth sense space to flow between you both through Life. You will each come to know Life subtending you both.
To see the Life of a tree, beyond its obvious Existence, is to experience Life woven into the tree.
Let go of the linguistically imposed idea of ‘Tree’, allow silent perception embraced by the sixth sense, to move between your being and the tree’s being through Morfic Pulsation.
The longer and slower you breaths are the closer your wavelength gets to the long wavelength of Life. Long breaths draw Life into being.
Breathing out, breathing in - the pause between is beyond ‘self’, beyond particle Existence, it is a passage to Life. The pause is not the breath, not space, not here, not time. Place your Attention there.
With Intention the pause opens, Life enters, experienced as long, slow, low intensity. ‘Self’ reduces, Life is present outside of time.
Life brings Awakening.
Life is reflected in Existence, seen in all its forms. If you have silent Intentional Attention, observing without recourse to names or labels, without mental dissection, you will find Life through natural forms.
Lift off language from what you see and hear. Unweave your predetermined notions of the world around you.
With patience, what you perceive will be Life.
Replace the effort to confirm the label, the word, with the ease of experiencing what is.
This is the gift Life brings into Existence.
Each time you see and hear Life Truth you go beyond the impermanence of Existence.
Your rescuer from the trap of Existence is a strong desire for Life. Such an intentional desire is necessary to draw Life through the pain-in-the-heart that seeks resolution to Existence-paradox.
Intentional Attention is compassion drawn by Life through Existence.
Compassion gives.
In the space left by giving Life flows.
Life arrives to us in silence.
Music without silences would be a chaos of notes, but notes set apart with silence invites Life to enter Existence. A canvas of a single color leaves no opening for Life. A building without windows is a prison.
A compact Existence fueled by accumulation is a tomb.
Life lies between Existence and Non-existence.
Non-existence is nihilism. Life is completeness.
Abide with Intention and trust. Being lost in ignorance of Life, you have been unkind to one another.
Practice kindness, learn to trust Life in others. By trusting Life, you will overcome the being buried in Existence.
Sometimes, in exact proportion to your trust, Life will flood your being.
Existence is all you perceive: forms to which you give labels.
Remove labels, remove leaning upon forms, let go of attachments; what remains is Life.
Life subtends existent-forms, quarks, atoms, molecules - they are ever changing. Only Life is unchanging.
Your thoughts cannot reach Life. If you strive to find Life, you will miss it.
All such effort abrogates stillness.
Do not expand thoughts of arising Existence-desires, apply them then let them fade. If you attend to them, they will deprive you of Life. They are the prison bars of Existence.
Life is when the mind is not driven in thought. Only have great Intention, then be silent.
Existence forces effort upon you, Life is effortless.
Don’t let Capture steal your chance of Life. Capture can be overcome with the right intention. It’s not for you to make existence happen. Trust your actions to Life.
To rise to Life, simplify Existence. Become stillness, become silence.
Leave Existence to itself, let Life direct your actions.
The knowing that is already known lies within.
It is Life that holds Existence.
Life endures, Existence fades.
During your days and throughout the year, take note of beginnings and endings: waking up, going to sleep; spring and autumn. Let the cycles of arising and receding pulsate within your awareness, for they are Life threading through Existence.
Sunrise and sunset are times of crossover reflecting the Life- wave crossing its median line. These times offer a unique portal to Life.
Leave Existence-desires; they are ephemeral and will pass. Desire only Life and there will be Life.
Life-Truth is simple, only clinging to Existence complicates truth.
A moment of Life brings the light of awareness wherefrom Existence becomes clearly understood as Life’s shadow.
Just as a wave cannot be separated from the ocean, so Existence cannot be separated from Life.
Your Existence is temporary, Life is permanent. Therefore, trust your Existence to Life.
Loosen your hold on conditions of Existence: material desires, opinions, beliefs, and concepts. Make your Existence simple such that Life is.
Life arrives within an Intention turned toward stillness and silence.
Nothing will awaken you to Life except an intense desire for Life.
Do not think you can find Life. Be quiet, be still; Life will find you.
Life being unhindered by time remains true. It thus is.
Perceiving Life occurs when it simply is perceived.
'I' is momentary a fragment.
Life is an absolute state.
11. Life, Fear, and ‘Evil’
For the long-flow of Life to move through dense Existence there must be an easing of density; the ego ‘self’ must relinquish hold.
The degree to which, in an individual or a society, the self-sense is released or grasped to, is the measure of what you experience as life or Existence.
It is the source of what you call good and bad.
When there is no releasing, Existence, governed by a compressed ego, becomes denser.
The resultant action is cruelty or what you call evil.
A compressed ego cannot be cured by force, pleading or religion. Only by attention to Life.
Existence-compression comes down to just one fault: an inability to trust Life.
There is nothing outside of Existence and your ‘self’ that causes evil.
Individually you grasp and release in an Existence confused by the determination of Truth.
Thus, you fluctuate between good and bad.
Your confusion lies in knowing that Existence is temporary, but not knowing what is beyond it. Thus, the ‘truths’ you have all arrived at are in conflict.
The fear that drives you derives from a remote past when you suffered predators and forces unknown to you. Your subsequent inheritance is a hesitancy toward Life.
Half-life living makes you grasp to the stuff of Existence.
Overt grasping increases the ego’s density: causing Existence-compression, and its consequent actions.
In the absence of Life, you make rules, moral judgments, intentions, and behaviors toward good.
You try, while yet being caught in Existence.
Being trapped, you believe in an evil entity.
12. Life: Being as Devotion:
To authentically realize Life requires living a simple Existence, a deliberate turning toward Life.
Such a devotion rests on trust, giving oneself to Life.
If your Intention of releasing into Life remains steadfast, release will reach openness and be experienced as Love.
Selflessness generated by Love reaches everyone, settling even into the dark bottom of Existence.
Life is fulfilled when your existence is one of selflessness.
When it is fully present within your existence, Life is realized. But you are not the realizer
The evolution of existence is energized by procreation.
You experience such energization through desire for another. Such a desire solely in existence arises as lust.
But when desire is held by devotion you experience Life.
Devoting oneself to another is the strongest expression of Life through existence.
The completeness of one’s devotion will be the measure of Life that will support the relationship.
That support is experienced as Love.
13. Life and Love
Life brings beauty, creativity, joy that is indistinguishable from Love.
When all three are given over to Life they flourish beyond the impermanence of existence.
Measure each moment only with Love; do not harbor aversion.
Love is the wavelength of Life. It is extremely long, stretching over what you call eons. [Though Life is outside of time’s measurement].
It is at the convergence of the two amplitudes - the change of one Life-wave into the next - that Life gives rise to Existence, a shift from wave to particle.
It is also where a return to wave occurs when the energy of Existence falls below particle retention.
What you call death.
Now you can understand what you already know.
That Life, when sought, confirms Love. A Truth that existence arises to verify.
Love is what you are here for.
The function of all relationships is to maintain existence.
The Life-connection within true relationships is the evolution of Love.
Life-Love shows up in many connections within existence: Between people, animals, even in trees and plants.
One can be drawn out of existence into supreme moments of bliss.
You attribute that Life-Love experience to the person, animal etc. in whose company you have such experience.
It simply comes through them.
When it continues to flow out and return, it reveals a path you can take beyond existence: Devotion.
Devotion is keeping one’s Intention toward Life.
Ultimately by living Life you will live Love.
Commensurately there will be peace.
To be in Life is to be in Love.
This is the completeness that the heart-pain of Existence- limitation seeks
Beyond the appearances of existence, you are in Life, you are in Love.
You may seek to ‘own’ your existence; you cannot own Love.
In Love, in Life, there is no self and no other.
You cannot decide to Love.
“Love is the opening door, love is what you came here for, let your heart really see, then return, back to me.”
Life constantly draws you through existence. Turning to Life is the opportunity to give away Self in devotion.
Fully accomplished, such devotion opens to Life’s constant Love.
Love is what you are here for. That is all.
Existence cannot distinguish between lust and Love; between the animal moving at nature’s behest or a true movement at the heart of Life.
It is a conceit born of your preoccupation with Self.
Love cannot be sought; it is nowhere but in Life. Life is in the unmeasurable instant; now.
To seek it is to submit to time, to existence.
Love is not (your) reasoning. Love has reason, but your fear - the end you see as death - obscures Love.
Only remember: Love is what you are here for.
Born of Life, you are tender and soft. At the end of Existence, you are stiff and hard.
Thereby the follower of Existence is unbending.
The follower of Life remains amenable.
14. Life; Releasing:
The essence of simplicity is the drawing out of density, the lengthening of one’s ground of being.
Moving from the hurrying of waves on the sea’s surface, to the slow undulations within the ocean.
Submit to Life, be moved by its undulations breaking apart your limitations.
Central to releasing from Existence into Life is simplicity.
You are more than an Existence.
Lean away from your five senses.
They are useful, but they are not the way to Life. Use them only when you need to; put them down often.
Distinguish between need and want.
To grasp beyond sufficiency will trap you. Only engage with needs. When desire arises be careful.
Do not fall into arrogance.
If you grasp to Existence-arrogance, it will result in meaninglessness. Thus, you will suffer.
Lift the trap of language from what you see and hear.
Unweave your predetermined notion of the world around you.
Let what you perceive be Life.
Replace the effort to confirm the label, the word, with the ease of experiencing what is.
Truly experience what is. This is the gift of Life in Existence.
Each time you see and hear Life-Truth, you will go beyond the impermanence of Existence.
Do not run away with your fearful imaginings that will trap you in the very Existence of which you fear the end of.
You do not have to be a prisoner of time.
Your freedom lies in choosing Life.
Be still, be quiet, wait without expectation. Have no concepts. Stay, without past, without future, without desires. Existence cleared of conceptual expectations will become translucent.
There is Life.
Stay aware of Capture. Capture continuously births Existence. Give intentional thought and action to Life.
Thus, you will weaken the hold of Capture.
Hold only to this:
To be awake in the wave’s stream - to be in Love - is to know Truth.
Truth removes the confusion of Existence. Your actions are then determined by Life, beyond all grasping desires.
Determination for Life is an act of devotion, the deliberate turning from Existence to Life.
The exercise of that freedom is the only way by which peace will prevail.
It is the only way you will avoid extinction.
Simplify your Existence and there will be Life.
Where Life is, Love is.
Practice kindness, and Love will enter your Existence.
Associate with others on the simple path.
Quiet your thoughts, and Life will arise.
Taking time out of Existence for silence dissolves the unacknowledged fear within Existence that inhibits Life.
Life-silence lies beyond thoughts.
It enters between thoughts, sounds, and actions
It does not destroy thoughts.
When it is fully present within your existence,
Life is realized. But you are not the realizer.
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