July 1st, 2024. Those who long for Life, Life will find.
Let me begin by explaining the title of this website. To do so I turn to the story of those childhood sensations.
Eighty years ago, my short life was about to end. Every night and day bombs exploded bringing down factories, schools, and houses. I lay in a small bed in a small bedroom in my parents' apartment, a building as vulnerable as any other. The building was saved so far, but that was of little concern to me, I was struggling to breathe.
Oxygen for the body was inconsequential it seemed to the struggle going on in my brain. The vital pulse that entered this embryo two years ago and had raised it to be a body was having second thoughts about staying in this world.
The truth was, there were even hesitations on arriving here after nine months of warm containment. The vibrations of war were not encouraging.
Beyond my brain’s indecision, beyond my body in the bed, in the small bedroom, beyond the apartment, the ambulance, the hospital, the operating room, in the church of saint Mary's the maternal force of my mother’s cry determined upon this body's survival.
Meanwhile, what constituted my consciousness had been re-enveloped beyond the confines of this waring world. There was only Love.
I was having what is known as a Near Death Experience.
During a lifetime of investigation, I have been brought to the conclusion that
the term Near Death Experience is completely wrong.
Of course, we seemed to have no choice linguistically but to label what is beyond what we call life, death. But we do have a choice, and I want to begin by laying down a completely new foundation based upon that choice.
To move from the negative construct of life ending in death to a positive awareness of LIFE as the reality.
Language being the expression of thought drives the direction of human societies. Language has been and remains the creator of our perceptions, we know ourselves through definition. Being thus defined we each own that definition stated as ‘I am’.
The sustaining of (that I am) self is undertaken by the ego while defending the body-mind against adversity, threats, and debilitations to its wellbeing. This primary act we have defined as life. That definition implies its opposite, death.
For all human history roughly following the beginning and use of language these two words, life and death, have been the point of our sense deduction of meaning. Searched out by such questions as ‘why are we here, is there purpose to our being, where do we go when we die?’
But questions seeking answers beyond Existence can never be satisfactorily answered with the language of Existence.
Whatever answers we choose will only lead to further linguistic entanglement, which is why we can’t agree on such answers.
The problem arises because the terms ‘life’ and ‘death’ are simplistic shorthand words for what is a complex symbiotic relationship (f).
Given that any words are at best signs rather than actualities, these two words fail even to be accurate signs.
What we experience and call ‘life’ is Existence.
Existence, simply defined, is a form in space, from the minutest quark to the cosmos. Forms come into Existence, exist for what we experience as time, and then do not exist, they are temporary. By accurately defining being here as Existence, we are then left with applying an equivalently accurate definition to the phenomena we call ‘death’.
When we observe the phenomenon, death, it appears that life has left existence. We conclude therefore that Life is separate from existence, which is both true and untrue. It is true that it no longer appears to be enlivening the form (body) we are seeing as dead, it is also untrue, as it continues as a pulse now running in a diaspora through the matter of the body. The person that was once seen by us as a particular composite form has begun the process of breaking into many simpler discrete forms. Life is still present along with existence, it is only the particular form of existence (as a body) that has changed.
From the minutest quark to the cosmos
We exist consequent with Life, as does everything else. This symbiotic relationship is misapprehended for what it is because our Existence arrogance (f) creates the false assumption of a life-death duality arising through a total ego concentration of our beingness on existence. An Existence which is short, temporary, and fearfully out of touch with Life. Life that is independently permanent beyond existence.
Our short, temporary discomforting Existence gives rise to the eternal questioning of who we are and why are we here, it is an unconscious knowing that our incompleteness resides in our temporariness, set against the permanence of Life. We long for that permanence.
What is required for us to overcome suffering and go beyond just Existence
is found in the Near Life Experience, that is,
a conscious Life existence.
Illustrating the balance between Life and Existence.
Natural Imposed Example An animal: In the wild. In captivity
L i f e Existence L i f e Existence
existence Life existence Life
L i f e Existence L i f e Existence
NB: The upper- and lower-case writing of the ‘E’ or ‘e’ indicate the ‘False’, imposed condition overriding the ‘real’ natural process, shown below in an illustrated form.
By using a new vocabulary, it changes our perception, reduces our Existence in a return to existence, and acknowledges the embracement of Life.
Life is silent, soundless, and imperceptible with our five common senses.
Language, seemingly silent within the mind is in fact, even in the form of thought, a noise covering the silence of Life. You will be very aware of this if you have ever tried to meditate. Language being the exact opposite of silence, establishes Existence separate from Life, exactly as it separates us one from another.
The thought-language ‘I’ or ‘I am…’ creates a ‘you’. That duality reflects a false brake between Life and existence.
In the past collective state, thought perception was undifferentiated. This innate all-embracement is the symbiotic causality between unseen Life energy and particle form. The break occurred through the growth of the ego.
The continued development of ego and its language became and is, self-centered. The combination of self-centering language and the observation that ‘I’ have a temporary existence, creates the perceived phenomena we call 'death'. That is, we associate the end of the body with the end of life, whereas in fact it is the end of existence - not Life. The perception 'death of the self' is a projection of the ego formation clinging to the temporary illusion of being.
We are embedded in the language of ego and the various cultures it has produced. In trying to come to terms with the perception ‘death’, we have constructed intricate rituals and patterns of thought fed by anxiety as to what death means. In doing so we have grasped to Existence in a manner defiant of Life.
For anything to exist it must have form, that is, it takes up space in the three dimensions we experience. Everything that does so only maintains its form temporarily, from coming into form, continuing through constant change until it no longer has its recognizable form. Life pulsations that form everything, from microorganisms through plants, animals, humans, planets, and the whole cosmos move through these forms causing the changes that arise over what we experience as time.
The Life-potential (f) for the formation of matter is always present. That potential lies embedded in Life and is realized through the symbiotic relationship between Life's unseen pulse and matter. On this planet this is the natural existence of the biosphere of minerals, plants, creatures, and us.
However, Existence has gradually been constructed, beyond its natural process, through exploitative actions upon that process. We call it civilization. It is underpinned by our habitual conditioning, the ways, means and habits by which we lead our Existence.
To perceive Life, we need to undo and get rid of the habits that have become imprisoning addictions. Replacing them with open liberating Life habits.
Consider how short a single life is. As a child or teenager life seems a long stretch ahead, when your fiftieth birthday arrives you may have the thought ‘I’m past halfway now’. In one's eighties and nineties, the end is almost a visible oncoming horizon.
The number of actions one can place upon the world in such a short time is very limited, yet collectively humanity has imposed a tremendous force upon the world, covering it with Developmentalization-Existence. Of course, you will say ‘I didn’t do all of that, I just live my life, my action is limited, local, I’m not a planetary force’. In so doing you not only absolve yourself from responsibility, but also fail to understand the nature of the relationship between the individual and (the history of) our species.
The whole of human history must be owned and acknowledged with an acceptance that we did this. Because the ultimate truth is that when the earth was first dug into to, we did it; when the trees were felled to make warships, we did it; when we fought and subdued our own kind, we did it; when writing was invented, we did it; when beautiful carvings were fashioned by sculptors, we did it; when empires sought to rule, we did it; when art and creativity flourish, we did it; when Penicillin was discovered we discovered it; when mount Everest was climbed, we climbed it. When the atom was split, we split it; when a bomb was made, we made it. When it was dropped, we dropped it. And when we give our lives for the sake of others, we do it. Humankind did these things, and that is who you and I are.
It is because we fail to take responsibility for our history that we continue upon a path of destruction that could easily lead to the extinction of many more species, including our own.
We do not like this idea.
We feel that as individuals we have a singular and separate autonomy from the collective actions that mark out human history. But we cannot divorce ourselves from the roots of our being; a species that has and continues, putting the pressure of unnatural Existence on natural evolution, thus causing a cancer in the system. In our defense we say ‘I did not intend to do this’, which is perfectly true. So, then we must ask ourselves, each of us, what is our intention in living this Existence. If we are honest, we discover that our only conscious intentions are self-centered orientated.
This absence of awareness of beyond the self was described by Buddha as ignorance and is at the root of the feeling we experience as incompleteness.
All self-orientated intentions create containment, that is they hold us in existence.
Being thus restricted, no matter how ‘successful’ the outcome of the intention, we never quite experience completeness, there always seems to be a further step just out of reach. The desire for (complete) fulfilment combined with the knowledge of our short impermanent existence produces anxiety and fear.
We deny and bury that fear by developing ambition beyond contentment.
The attempt to satisfy the inflated collective ambitions of humanity has built a prison of Existence.
Inflating the ego’s ambition with cultural expectations way beyond its purpose we fail to comprehend the simple truth that what we give to Existence remains of Existence – and will cease with Existence. We unconsciously know this to be the case, hence the short-lived satisfaction gives way to the inexplicable discomfort of an unsatisfied feeling. In other words, for all our striving we have not collectively reached in any sense the truth of Life. We still operate solely within Existence.
There have been exceptions, primarily individuals who have been shocked in some way out of and beyond the ego self. There have also been, in the past, groups of people who have not developed the self-view, almost entirely living within the Life stream of being during their existence. Being ‘primitives’ outside of our civilized Existence, they have mostly been discounted, as have so often those individuals who try to share the shock of their strange experience.
One other exception to the mass of humanity is those who deliberately seek Life beyond the confines of Existence by following the narrow path contrary to the common highway of Existence-arrogance.
We are not going back to a lost past, and waiting to be shocked out of the discomfort of complacency is a foolish and undesirable gamble. We have to determine upon a change; to do so we must first have Intention.
We make an Intention to prioritize Life over Existence.
By embedding in one’s mind the simple change of language proposed, we begin to make Life conscious beyond the confines of Existence-arrogance. As this new Life-awareness sinks into our being we begin to experience changes in our outlook on the world and within our heart and mind. A confidence enters into what we do, a realization that striving is of the ego, being at ease is how Life moves our being, just as the tides move the whole ocean, irrespective of what the temporary waves are doing.
May you be well, may your days and nights be filled with Life.
Comments and questions - Subject: Nearlife.
a complex symbiotic relationship.
Refers to the interaction between the seen, existence, and the unseen, Life. Life being the genesis of bio-forms, our experience of it occurs and is perceived within biotic existence. What is important about the relationship is that it is a two-way interaction. As Life generates and sustains existence, so existence (particularly human ‘feed’ into Life) generates Life. The essential take away from this understanding of relationship is that any sustainable concept of purpose and meaning within a temporary existence must reside in what is permanent - Life.
Existence Arrogance.
Is a fear complex humanity caries having dislocated from Life. Thousands of years turning inward concentrating on existence has produced isolation from meaning (see above). In defense of the discomforting knowledge of what we have done, and continue to do, we insist on establishing our own meaning of existence. As a result, we decide, free of the Life impulse, what is true and meaningful. This constructs the false Existence we live in.
Is a term referring to the genesis of bio-forms. Life is a field of quantum wave particles with a constant potentiality of ‘arising’ into form. What ‘triggers’ or gives rise to forms seems to involve already existing consciously aware forms, certainly humans, possibly animals etc. (see symbiotic).
A term accurately defining the ultimate result of the actions of Existence-Arrogance. Overgrowth fear-fed greed beyond need.
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