These teachings are offered in a spirit of compassion for the struggles we are all having at this time. We seem to be floundering in uncertainty, for the want of a truth we can hold to. That is because ultimate Truth is not easily or simply spoken, in fact it has been said it cannot be spoken. I think that may be so. But I can keep writing, make signs, point a finger toward a new pattern of being, in the belief that through these words you may find certainty and a peaceful Life.
The form of these teachings is loosely anarchic, that is to say they will be written down as they occur to me. Consequently, they will be repeated through different phrases and words.
Let's search our hearts and minds - and beyond...
...Beyond Self
"It was always there, just out of reach. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it was; there was no denying its being there, just beyond my comprehension. When I was a kid I would search for it in the warm springtime's. I remember lying on my back looking up at the sky, a piercing blue that passaged to my brain and spoke to me in sensations, sensations that knew yet remained an incomprehensible knowing until I managed to unravel the bindings of EXISTENCE.
It was LIFE".
I want to share with you the process of that unraveling so that you too may release yourself from the prison of Existence and find Life. For...
We must free ourselves from Existence so Life can find them
It has been said that we are born free, yet we live as if in chains. How can that be? How did it happen that our best judgments for our well-being landed us in a prison of our own making.
Because, over the course of human history we have collectively pursued our wants and desires ignorant of the fundamental relationship between existence and Life.
But for some, Life breaks into existence and turns attention outward beyond the confines of the prison. A Near Life Experience will do that.
When I was two years old Life picked me up and held me until those busy with existence cut into that small body and extracted the devil in my lungs. How it got there is a whole story of Life and existence, and Existence. How that could be will become clearer in the succeeding chapters.
Much later in my life, I was awakened in the middle of the night by an itchy back, I went back to sleep. In the morning, I saw the cause – parallel scratch marks in the form of a cross.
Then there was the time I was getting sick, without any real symptoms, I seemed to just be weakening without cause. It took some time to realize my condition was connected to my mother’s fading life. The remedy I sought, contrary to my down-to-earth character, was hypnosis.
I had a dream. It was long and in color, and when I awoke, I remembered it all. What I didn’t know at the time was that it was a dream of the future. You may ask; how is that possible? As I did when I was confronted with the first event in the dream two years after I dreamt it. The many scenes in that dream took place with intervals over the subsequent five years.
For a month of my existence Life prevailed over my existence. During that month, I gave away stuff, packed other stuff away, asked a friend for money, bought a ticket and left the country I had lived in for fifty years. Life did not give me back my self until I was over the Pacific Ocean.
These were some of the larger events that along with the weave of small yet equally unusual experiences, brought me to ask some fundamental questions in an attempt to understand the relationship between existence and Life, and why it seems to be going so painfully wrong for humanity, the planet of flora and fauna. and rocks.
So, I invite you to search with me our hearts and minds - and beyond...
Chapters will be added on the 1st and 15th of the month.
If I have your email, I will send a new chapter on or before the above dates each month.
The quotes next to the date are from The Green Jade Book. under the tab 'GJ Book'
May you be well, may your days and nights be filled with Life.
Comments and questions - Subject: Nearlife.
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